Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Why can't you have your cake and eat it too?

Uggghhh...I can scarcely bear to blog about the City. I am starting to lose my patience with all of these people. Perhaps I just miss Gossip Girl and Bromance. A majority of this episode takes place on New Years.
Olivia is so full of herself at the DVF Christmas Party. She is such a name dropper and her face is unflattering even though the face was meant to show her disdain. She is clearly being mocked by the other DVFers. I am so sick of her advice giving. At least she can't get rid of Nevan. Justice? He will never get a job or an apartment.
Adam unexpectedly kicks Jay out of the apartment so that Allie the underweight model can move in. In Allie news her head seems to be growing larger as her body shrinks. Total optical illusion.
Erin and Duncan, from Toronto, are having trouble due to the reappearance of JR (her first love? something like that). Duncan is very jealous of him. I would be too because he is exponentially better looking. I hate beards. Erin is silly because she thinks Duncan should trust her and says things would be different if he were there. Remember back to the time when she told him not to move here? He leaves things open ended telling her to figure her sh*t out. Erin thinks that they are broken up and is looking for someone else to make out with. This reading might be a little harsh but she annoys me. Whitney suggests deleting Duncan's number from her phone she won't drunk text him. Great idea Whitney. As an interested observer, I am not convinced he actually broke up with her.
Since Jay is homeless he suggests he move in with Whitney. Whitney thinks it over and finally says that it would be okay. The next day when she wakes up with him in her apartment she seems a little less into it. Damn those New Year's Eve promises. Whitney seems filled with trepidation especially when he starts ordering her around. Fix him a cup of tea, I will be sending her a copy of the Feminine Mystique. Is Jay using Whitney for publicity, a place to live, and a cup of tea. Check this out. Thanks Michelle.

Quick Gossip Girl Update:
Rerun again. I can't wait to see the Dan and TFA teacher fallout. I am sick of waiting.


  1. Please tell me it was Allie who said the cake line. Was it? Was it?! Also you seem to think the Feminine Mystique would do a lot of people a lot of good. I'm not saying you're wrong, per se, just making an observation. Finally, if you click on that Page 6 link and scroll down to the picture of Amanda Beard you will probably be a little horrified.

  2. Sorry to disappoint but it was Erin not Allie who uttered the phrase.
