Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Song that I can't get out of my head (in a bad way)

I am sitting in Les Swab tires getting my snow tires removed, as the deadline is looming and yet it is still cold and snow still seems it may come, and listening to the radio. They have told me that I will have to wait for at least an hour and forty five minutes so I have plenty of time to think about my dislike of one particular song. I am sorry to say that the” I Was Born This Way,” Lady Gaga song is so annoying to me. There are number of things about it that bother me including the fact that each time I hear it I sing the words to Madonna’s Express Yourself and they fit perfectly. Perhaps it is an homage to Madonna and that would please me more. It also is one of those songs that is on all the time now and is easily stuck in your head because of the pulsing and repetitive nature of the music style. I can’t help but think that this is clearly pandering to her audience. I mean, I can appreciate that she really feels that way and she wants every to feel proud and acceptant of our unique differences but is this surprising that she feels that way? Not in the least. (I also don’t want it to seem that I feel or think counter to this. I feel that way too.) I think if Toby Keith was singing this song it would be much more powerful and shocking (and probably not well received by his typical fans). As a student of the protest/political songs of the past ( I wrote a culminating paper about this senior year of high school and got into Mount Holyoke because of it. Clearly I didn’t go.) I can appreciate how music can have a profound influence on social consciousness. I just do not like this song. I will just hold my breath and wait for the country music remake.

1 comment:

  1. just put your paws up, makaela.

    i also thought the song was terrible, until i heard a remix by one of my favorite bands. check it:
