Monday, April 20, 2009

I love him but I don't know if I am in love with him

Disclaimer. This picture is almost too gross for me to look at. He creeps me out.

This episode marks the long awaited return of Justin Bobby. He was "acting all shady" at Coco DeVille. Stephanie Pratt, ever the relationship Pollyana says that maybe they can be friends. JB wants to communicate (and asks her not to burp him when she is patting him on the back, weird) but Audrina wants to feel special. Dilemma.

Audrina is then comforted by Brody. His girlfriend, Jayde, is suspicious. Jayde decides that she will put her collagen injected lips all over Brody to mark her territory. Brody then tries to council JB at another bar later in the week. Audrina is making weird eyes at Brody and something is brewing. Audrina wants him...she wants to crash the Hawaii vacation that Brody and co. are planning but not a anything serious "expecially" (just to be clear that is Audrina verbiage, not my own) not a boyfriend. LC, Lo and Audrina are going to Hawaii.

Sleazy T cameo. Oh I love him. If you aren't familiar with his work check out Bromance.

It is finally dawning on Spencer that Heidi is serious about therapy. Brody calls and invites him to Hawaii for the all-dude-surf-trip. Spencer lies to keep out of trouble. He is fake in Vegas. The therapist seems nice. The first thing she says is "this sounds all really high school to me." Heidi accuses Spencer of being checked out and the therapist asks what she is still doing in the relationship. Wow heavy hitter. She is asking the tough questions after 2 minutes (magic of tv?)

LC is feeling the heat of helping to hire Stephanie. It is very apparent that she is too dumb for this job. She can't check in jewelry on the computer or fold things without leaving crumbs. I can't wait to see Kelly Cutrone destroy her.

I enjoyed the MTV movie awards promo that introduces Andy Samberg as the host of the show this year. He is introduced as the spawn of Jack Black and Michael Cera. Funny. I could see him as a cross between the two. I love Michael Cera.


  1. It is customary to put the disclaimer before the item to which the disclaimer pertains.

    Sleazy T!
