Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Thanks Spokane for making me feel good about myself

So I am finally out of the shame spiral. I went for a run yesterday and my cosmic reward was a man yelling at me as I ran by him. "You can stop running you look good already." And this was the first time that I truly loved Spokane.

Today my cosmic reward was someone honking and waving at me like they knew me. Apparently there are not a lot of people in my area getting out and exercising but I am going to stick with it. I am extremely excited to see what happens next time I get out for some exercise. Perhaps someone will give me some money or free icecream (and I will eat it because I have been told I don't even need to exercise anymore).

1 comment:

  1. frankly, i take credit for predicting this. remember when i said that if spokane were US magazine, you would always be on the cover?
