Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hot Yoga

I have been enjoying Hot Yoga at the local yoga place. It is 5 minutes from my school and I love it. They have a killer introductory offer and I am so excited to try to stick with this exercise kick. I went after school one day which was great because it made me extra efficient with my time and forced me to leave school at the end of my contracted day. That was the second time that had happened all year.


  1. You should do that more often, I've been much better at leaving right at 3:05, it's truly liberating!

  2. I agree with Michelle!I get the heck out of school, I can't stand it any longer. Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks!!

  3. Isn't it the best? You feel like a wrung out towel when class is over, but I absolutely love it. So glad you've found an excuse to leave work on time!
