Saturday, August 21, 2010

New Beginnings...

I can't believe it but it is almost back to school time. I am feeling a little like a child about to start a new school. As a teacher I know how scary it can be to be in a new and unknown place and as a recent transplant to an eastern Washington town (some might call it the Inland Empire and some might call it a city) I know how scary that can be too. I no longer have television. There goes my career as a Gossip Girl blogger. Now I am going to resign myself to blogging about something really boring, something like my life. If you were one of my "many" followers that was interested in my commentary on television I am sorry to disappoint. I have recently relocated, unfortunately it is not out of the country, so expat doesn't really describe me. However, I think I will stick with the name, perhaps the tv will come later.

Since moving approximately 21 days ago I am mostly settled in my house (which is about three times as large as my old place. Thank you cost of living). I am in transition. This means that you are confused, in a new place and wondering how the hell you got here. My answer being: I am a supportive wife. I have been spending time doing a lot of activities including spending time setting up my new classroom, reading, working out, and watching instant Netflix. My husband (who I am already exceedingly proud of) is already busy with law school. He is a committed studier even though school has not started and will not for a few more days but I foresee a lot of time alone and have a vested interested in being settled and finding things to do that make me happy. Here are some suggestions about what to do if you find yourself in a similar transitional phase.

Recommended reading, viewing, and activities for people who are in transition like me:
My Life in France by Julia Child - read this book and be inspired to eat, cook, and try new things. Be careful, you will be hungry the entire time. I love how in love with each other Julia and Paul are. It is beautiful. I love how adventurous she is and I also want to bake French bread.
Julie and Julia- the perfect companion to reading My Life in France.
Away We Go- John Krasinzky and Maya Rudolph are lost and looking for the place they should settle. Written by Dave Eggers and Vendela Veda
TRX- a new workout class I am taking at the YMCA. You use your body weight and straps from the ceiling. I was sore only hours after completing my first class.
Spokane Indians Game-pretty fun if you don't get rained out. Most shocking thing that I saw was a sign that said "stop Obama." I also overheard a man talking about asians. "Some type of asian, Japanese or something." Especially offensive to me because I am some type of Asian. Where am I? I am chalking these two things up to anomaly and moving on.
Wii - with Wii fit and Netflix instant viewing. Beware of the Wii fit board who will tell you about your weight...whether or not you want to hear it.
Weeds- I love it. Nancy Botwin starts
to get a big annoying towards the end of season 3 but everyone is quirky and makes me laugh.
Arrested Development- what fool decided that this show should no longer exist. A fool. I laughed hysterically, out loud, alone, on a number of occasions while watching this.
Pinot Grigio- it's hot here so a nice light white wine is ideal.
Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner- interesting read and without an agenda...not a self-help book but helps you to take a step back and reevaluate the way you look at it.

Any other suggestions of reading or viewing for people in transition (aka people who are lost or starting over)? I would love to hear them.

Upcoming things to do:
Find artwork/something to put up on the walls of our apartment
Find new recipes to try
Steal my mother in law's copy of Mastering the Art of French Cooking
Find the perfect chair to sit and read in the bedroom, outdoor furniture, side table and lamps
Make friends
Bake french bread

Okay friends here is your assignment. Please offer my suggestions about anything that will make things helpful or more enjoyable. I will really appreciate it especially if you have book suggestion (only upbeat...nothing depressing).

1 comment:

  1. Hey M - you are such a supportive wife and I know how much he appreciates you!

    I'm going to email you my list of to-do things!
